@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Apps » Latify v2.4.1 (2.4.1) Android Apk App | 1.59 MB

2011-7-18 10:05 bunnylai
Latify v2.4.1 (2.4.1) Android Apk App | 1.59 MB


[b]Latify v2.4.1 (2.4.1) Android Apk App | 1.59 MB[/b]
Requirements: Android 2.1+
Overview: Latify is a feature-rich Google Latitude client for Android, supporting offline sync, background GPS updates, user location sharing (Twitter, Facebook, Buzz, Email, SMS) and history visualisation and tracking on a map and much much more.[/align]

Update your location in the background at all times. Sync your location changes either in realtime or delayed (when no internet connectivity is available). Republish your current location at a user defined interval when stationary, making sure your friends (and Google Latitude) always have an up to date view on your location.

In addition to Google Latitude, Latify can also sync your location changes in realtime with a Google Fusion table, allowing you to share your location with other (even non-Latitude) friends.

You can disable the realtime updates to Latitude when roaming abroad, or when running on a low volume 3G or GPRS data connection. You can opt to automatically sync your location updates when a WIFI connection is available to avoid unnecessary costs. Upon arriving home, or at the hotel, use your free WIFI connection to upload all your location data to Google Latitude.

By doing so, you'll allow Google Latitude to form a more accurate view on your current and past location changes, allowing for a more useful and accurate analysis in your Latitude dashboard (time at home, time at work, places visited.....).

Latify features:

* Record,synchronize or publish your user location changes in real-time to Google Latitude.
* No need to keep Latify running in order to record location changes.
* Easy-to-use profiles (driving, at home, travelling) help you determining the best location polling and location update strategy.
* Convenient homescreen widgets for selecting location profiles, or specifying location polling intervals
* Tasker integration to automatically switch your location polling profile (when in your car use GPS, when at work use WiFi....)
* Record location changes using either GPS or WiFi/3G
* Toggle gps on/off option on each profile. (to avoid wasting battery when indoors).
* Visualize & replay your Google Latitude location history on a map. Never forget where you were on a particular day.
* When abroad, disable real-time updates if expensive roaming data rates apply. Instead, record your location changes on your phone, and as soon as WIFI is available, upload and synchronize your location changes to Google Latitude.
* Share your location via email, SMS, Twitter, Facebook, Google Buzz.
* Share either city level or street level details when sharing with Twitter, Facebook, Google Buzz, SMS or e-mail.
* Optionally fall-back to Cell Tower / WiFi lookups when GPS is disabled.
* Option to force Latify to use WiFi/3G based lookups only.
* Remove incorrect / redundant location history entries.
* Re-publish your last known location at user-defined intervals when no GPS signal is available
* Choose to store your location updates on your phone without sending them to Google Latitude in realtime under certain conditions (no 3G / WIFI connectivity).
* Push your location updates in one shot to Latitude (ex: when a WIFI connection is available)
* Use GPS in your car, WIFI at home or at work. When abroad, choose not to sync in realtime, but rather use delayed sync when cheaper or free internet connection becomes available.
* Save your Google Latitude location history to a KML file.
* Share your Google Latitude location history with others (email with KML attachment,KML file in dropbox,...)
* Option to auto-restart Latify polling / sync services on phone reboot
* Google Fusion Tables integration - Send your location changes to Google Fusion Tables
* Quick Location History navigation / playback via progress bar

What's in this version:
- Added WiFi/3G only option for location polling (when selected, Latify will only use WiFi/3G for location updates, even when the GPS is turned on).
- Added quick interval change widget for homescreen. (change the polling frequency for the selected profile by clicking on a home screen widget)
- Minor Bugfix in notifications.
- Minor layout changes (including Honeycomb).
- Tasker integration (beta) (See latifymobile.com for more info).

Provided by: -Market Militia-



來源 :dl4all

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